Minutes from May 4, 2021

HOA Board of Directors Meeting

Canyons Homeowners’ Association - May 4, 2021


1-Call the meeting to order

2-Review minutes of November 5th, 2020 meeting & approve

3-Discuss Replacement of Director from 4th Section

4-Review Financial Statement for the end of 2020 and thru April

5-Review Bylaws

6-Community Concerns

7-Additional items, if any



Meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm CDT at by President Rusty Kraybill. Members in attendance include:

President - Rusty Kraybill

Vice President - Randy Seales

Treasurer - Sharon Kraybill

Secretary - Amanda Aker

Director - John Rogers

Director – Tommie Grant

Director – Ramesh Kaipa

First Order of Business Review Minutes of the November 5th, 2020 Meeting & Approve

No additions or corrections were suggested. Tommie Grant moved to approve the minutes for the November 5th, 2020 meeting. Randy Seales seconded the motion. Minutes for the November 5th, 2020 meeting were approved.

Second Order of Business Discuss Replacement of Director from 4th Section

Ramesh Kaipa, director from the 4th section, will be leaving the neighborhood mid-summer. The Board decided to repeat the volunteer and review process that was used to choose the first director of the 4th section. Requests for volunteers will be mailed all the 4th section neighbors asking the volunteers to complete a Google Form within 30 days. The Board will review the applications, conduct interviews as needed, and then choose a new Director from Section 4.

Third Order of Business Review Financial Statement for the end of 2020 and to April

Sharon and Rusty Kraybill provided a review of the 2020 financials as of the end of December. The net income was $16,076 contributing to a total equity of $53,606. All dues for 2021 have been paid. The Board received clarification for some current charges. Tommie Grant moved to approve the financial statements to date. Randy Seales seconded the motion. The financials were approved.

Forth Order of Business Review Bylaws

The Board reviewed the Bylaws. The Board decided not to change the Bylaws until substantial amendments are approved.

Fifth Order of Business Community Concerns

The Board discussed a number of concerns from the neighbors:

Parking in the street: Members of the Board heard from concerned neighbors about vehicles parked in the street and across from driveways since the last meeting. Board members met with concerned neighbors and reviewed city policy. The Board encourages neighbors to park in their garage and driveway when possible and work with neighbors to find optimal parking arrangements in the street when the garage and driveway are not available. With our slanted curbs, vehicles can park with the tire on the sidewalk to allow traffic to pass, but should leave enough room for pedestrian use.

Disabled vehicle at 514 Topaz: A disabled Mustang has been parked on the street at 514 Topaz for an extended period of time. Since the car is in the street and not the driveway, it is a City issue beyond the HOA’s jurisdiction. Concerned neighbors should report disabled cars in the street to the non-emergency police line.

Holes at the entry of Topaz from Perkins: Vehicular traffic onto Topaz has created holes where there once was grass at the corner. Rusty Kraybill will ask Ted, the groundskeeper, to fill in the holes.

Cattails surrounding the North Pond: The Board discussed the request from neighbors and the vote on Facebook to clear some of the cattails around the north pond to allow access to the water. Options considered include: raising the water level from 7-8 feet to 10-12 to reduce the cattails and allow for a better fish habitat, using the boulders south of Amethyst avenue to level a portion of the cattails and prevent erosion, using environmentally responsible pesticide to remove difficult patches as was used on the south pond, and finally Rusty and Sharon Kraybill and Amanda Aker will seek quotes to remove portions of the cattails and information from the County Extension office and then report to the Board.

Construction Trucks using the Topaz entrance: With new homes and neighbors at both entrances, the use of either entrance will result in complaints. Since Ideal Homes has identified the Burris entrance as their construction entrance, the Board will contact Ideal Homes to speak to their contractors.

Speed bumps to slow traffic on Topaz: Speed bumps are a city matter and beyond the HOA’s jurisdiction.

New pages for the website: Amanda Aker suggested adding two new pages to the Canyons website outlining how to request HOA approval for sheds and pools and possibly provide a Google Form for the submission. The Board approved the new pages but want to review them before they are made public.

PO box for HOA mail: Amanda Aker suggested obtaining a PO box for the HOA. The Board decided to continue using the Westpark Court address to remove delay in correspondence until the address becomes unavailable.

Electronic payment options for dues: Sharon Kraybill provided several options to the Board to allow neighbors to pay electronically. The preferred option is to set up a Venmo account connected directly to the HOA bank account to reduce cost even though it may increase the number of days to post payment. Neighbors who elect to use the service will cover the additional charge. Back charges will be treated as non-payment. Amanda Aker moved to set up the Venmo account connected directly to the HOA account and offer the service to neighbors if they cover the extra cost. John Rogers seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Sixth Order of Business Additional items

Rusty Kraybill reported the flowerbeds need mulch. Sharon Kraybill suggested including funds to replace the dead plants lost during the winter storm. Ramesh Kaipa moved to approve a budget of $1,500 to mulch the flowerbeds and replace the expired plants. John Rogers seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Seventh Order of Business Adjourned

Rusty Kraybill moved to adjourn the meeting and John Rogers seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm CDT.

Secretary- Amanda Aker